List NFTs
Listing NFTs is key of HashGuild and to every marketplace - the following endpoints show what data needs to be displayed to receive well-built transactions, confirm transactions and what to show endusers.
If you did not already, please make yourself familiar with the general transaction documentation.
Add and Check if NFT is already existing
This endpoint allows you to post the HashGuild API and see if the NFT is already existing. If not, the NFT is being created. This step should be done prior listing the NFT with the API Call below, as an issue in the NFT fetching will lead to errors.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The account id of the user wishing to list the NFT.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The token id of the NFT to be listed.
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
The serial number of the NFT to be listed.
curl -X \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
-d "{
"accountId": "<accountId>",
"tokenId": "<tokenId>",
"serialNo": "<serialNumber>",
result: "OK"
Retrieve NFT Listing Transaction - Hashpack
This endpoint allows you to post the HashGuild API and retrieve a Hashpack transaction string to direct to the Hashpack extension.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The account id of the user wishing to list the NFT.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The token id of the NFT to be listed.
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
The serial number of the NFT to be listed.
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
The listing price the NFT should be listed for - in HBAR.
You can find a sample integration of this endpoint in the minting application - open source.
curl -X \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
-d "{
"accountId": "<accountId>",
"tokenId": "<tokenId>",
"serialNo": "<serialNumber>",
"listingPrice": "<listingPriceInHbar>"
"byteArray": "CsICKr8CCtQBChsKDAj2ntadBhCk8pDBAhIJCAAQABiUmrAQGAASBggAEAAYAxiAwtcvIgIIeDJPTGlzdGluZyBORlQgd2l0aCAwLjAuNDkxMzk0OTggYW5kIFNlcmlhbCBOdW1iZXIgMSBmb3IgMjAwIEhCQVIgb24gSGFzaEd1aWxkLnh5enJTCigKEgoJCAAQABih55wQEP/ZxAkYAAoSCgkIABAAGJSasBAQgNrECRgAEicKCQgAEAAYqp63FxoaCgkIABAAGJSasBASCQgAEAAYoeecEBgBIAASZgpkCiBU2pWm+80uY3j0QRo5jGHMi0dC0CAdWflAzJ1kLKmbLhpA8ZM0gV1eXLYg85BZk5jqNUQG55tPvjs6uZHY+NUqZt/BMjlChw25FmUWz7lr/oquvol3sdCFB8lMb+J8/UwkAQ==",
"metadata": {
"accountToSign": "0.0.34344212",
"returnTransaction": false
Post NFT Success after Transaction was signed
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